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Brilliant Lighting is an authorised Lutron HomeWorks Diamond Dealer again in 2025

Matt from Brilliant Lighting and Andy on-site fine tweaking elements of a Lutron HomeWorks install

We're delighted and proud to be recognised as a Lutron HomeWorks Diamond Dealer for 2025. It makes us one of a handful in the UK, and again this year we're the only Lutron direct dealer at that level outside the South-East. Lutron has most value when it's treated as an integral part of the lighting design. It's not an add-on to make your lighting smart and it doesn't create great lighting on its own; it needs proper lighting design. Done well though, it can be quite magical. Being lighting designers puts us in the ideal position to bring these different elements together.

Electric blinds and curtain tracks are another important element of our Lutron offering and one that gets a lot of attention. We work on a lot of very striking builds and renovations. There's often a lot of glass and a lot of difficult spaces to shade; often the same things that make them difficult to light. Electric curtains and blinds work so well in the context of a properly designed lighting scheme with lighting control.

Matt fine-tuning the installation of a Lutron powered electric curtains system
Matt fine-tuning the installation of a Lutron powered electric curtains system

What are we up at the start of 2025?

We're still very busy finishing off projects. Christmas saw a huge rush as it always does but not every project operates to Christmas deadlines. We've launched this new website. We're now refining it and planning the next round of developments.

For the first time in a decade, we'e going to ISE at the start of Febrauary. ISE is a massive trade exhibition for the Audio-Video & Custom Installation industries. There's a contined focus in the integration of lighting and lightng control with wider smart home technologies. It'll be interesting to see what developments are coming down the track and it'll be good to catch up with some of our major suppliers including Lutron themselves. I'm planning to write a report on the state of integration after the show; don't expect us to start offering multiroom audio and heating integration anytime soon though. This trip is much more about understanding some of the important but less sexy elements of systems integration.

We're looking forward to shooting some newly finished projects. Photography is really important to us; it's a very tangible way of demonstrating what we do and what we can achieve. We're very grateful to our clients for letting us into their homes to photograph them.

We'll be at the NEC towards the March for the Homebuilding & Renovating Show. If you'd like a couple of free tickets, you can register for them here. Melanie is giving a lighting design masterclass on the 23rd at 1:00pm