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Brilliant Lighting is now employee owned

The Brilliant Lighting team packed into the boardroom for an employee ownership meeting

We're delighted and proud to announce that Brilliant Lighting has become an employee owned business. At the end of March, the shareholders all sold their shares to an Employee Ownership Trust with 100% of company shares now being held in a trust on behalf of the employees.

For the team it means there is a clear plan for the future ownership of the company. It give everyone certainty and it allows everyone to benefit from the ongoing success of the buisness. For Melanie and Iain, it marks the latest step for the business they founded twenty years ago.

What does this mean for our clients and suppliers?

We think this is great for our clients and suppliers. Being employee owned gives us a stable platform for growth and development with a very clear plan for the business over the coming years. The current company board remains in place and the company management structure remains as before. It's business as usual and we're really excited about it.

A big thanks to Baxendale Employee Ownership

Baxendale guided us through the process and helped us determine and structure the optimum business ownership model for us.

Baxendale Employee Ownership