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Grand Designs magazine feature on architectural lighting

Grand Designs magazine feature on Architectural  Lighting, February 2019

We’re featured along with a number of other lighting designers in the February edition of Grand Designs magazine. The article is titled “Focus on Architectural Lighting” and concentrates on integrating lighting into the fabric of the home. It’s a concentrated primer on lighting design from a variety of residential lighting experts and well worth a read.

The feature is packed with tips but if you only take one from it, make it the one about the importance of planning and timing. The techniques discussed in the piece are all dependent on pre-planning to make sure the lighting is integrated with rest of the build. It should be obvious. If you are integrating lighting into furniture or flooring you need to plan out how the integration is going to work and you need to make provision for cabling, mounting points, driver locations etc. This will involve discussions with the joiners or the kitchen or bathroom company. Plan recessing uplighting into the floor with the builders. You’ll need to make sure all the cables and fixing points are present and correct before underfloor heating goes in.

In short, don’t treat architectural lighting as a standalone item. It has to work with the other elements of the build and the clearer you are on the details, the easier the build will be. This is a topic we’ll be coming back to over the next few weeks but for now, you can read the full article using the link in Related pages below

© Grand Designs magazine, as featured in February 2019.