Lighting control: Electric blinds and curtain tracks
Electric blinds and curtain tracks are an ideal partner for a lighting control system.

We've been working on this remarkable farm building conversion for a couple of years. It's a luxury house; the product of an extraordinary conversion of a barn and old agricultural silos. As the project moves into the finishing stages, we've been on site installing very large curved electric curtain tracks for the living room. The curtain tracks are by Lutron; they're such a specialist specification we had to get technical sign off from the most senior level of Lutron's window treatments technical team in the States.
The challenges for elelctric curtains and blinds are obvious; there's barely a straight line anywhere. The circular windows are very large with high ceilings. Simply getting an accurate measure to order the blinds required a totally new approach for us.
We tried templating the recesses but we weren't happy with the accuracy. The tolerances for the electric curtain tracks don't offer much room for errror. We needed something better. We worked with a local specialist company to get an accurate scan of the room. It's amazing technology that builds an accurate 3D scan of the space that can be read into AutoCAD. We can then make a 2D slice of the model and ultimately translate that slice to a drawing and an exact set of dimensions for the curtain tracks.
Measure twice, cut once. They fit perfectly. The install pictures below give a better idea of the scale of the install and the precision needed. Nerve-wracking and deeply satifying in equal measure.
Elecrtric curtain tracks and blinds are ideal for high-end developments like The Silos. This is probably the most complex and demanding Lutron window treatment we've done and it's been a great team effort. We hope to be able to do a photoshoot of the finished project so we can show off more of this unique house.