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  • Barn lighting

Lighting an ancient barn: part III – final tweaks and photography

Simon Warren photographing our Hampshire Barn lighting design project

It’s always a big buzz for us to do a photo shoot on a finished project. It means the lighting has been installed and fine tuned, the lighting control system has been commissioned and our clients are looking forward to some peace and quiet again after their house-build or renovation.

Yesterday we were shooting the lighting in an amazing barn in Hampshire. The lighting scheme makes the most of the fabulous structure and space and also helps bring intimacy to the dining and sitting areas.

As ever when lighting a barn there were significant challenges around fixing points. We’ve worked closely with our suppliers to develop some elegant custom mounting solutions. Melanie was on-site to do final refining on the lighting scenes, amke any adjustments needed to the electric blinds, tune the Lutron HomeWorks system and to oversee the shoot. Behind the lens was Simon Warren who photographs a lot of our work in the South. The full gallery will be up soon but here’s a quick taster of some of the architectural detail.

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