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  • Barn lighting

Lighting an ancient barn: part II – a closer look at the roof

Checking the roof of a 7m+ Hampshire barn.   An opportunity to check cabling and routing.

Our barn lighting project in Hampshire is moving forward and we’ve been able to take advantage of the work that’s being done on the roof. One of the obvious challenges with lighting these spectacular old barns is the height. Ceiling heights of 7m+ are not uncommon and so the chance to get into the roof space to check things out at this stage in the build is invaluable.

The roof has been taken off and put back on again. The beautiful oak frame has been cleaned and the new buildings are largely built. With the roof back on and the building ready for cabling we’re able to take the rare opportunity of working up at beam height. 7m off the ground we can check options for cabling routes and the options for any custom made fixing points.

The scheme needs to be low maintenance and energy efficient so we’re making extensive use of high output LED fittings. Comparing this project with a barn we developed the lighting scheme for 6 years ago we’re struck by just how far LED lighting has progressed. Where it was once a source for interesting accent lighting, LED is now a mainstream halogen alternative.