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Photoshoot of a new lighting project in the Lake District

Preparing for the photoshoot at a Lake District Boathouse

We're incredibly lucky to work on amazing buildings in stunning locations. This photoshoot in the Lake District is a case in point. In terms of physical size, this boathouse is possibly the smallest project we'll complete this year, but it's been beautifully restored and it was a joy to photograph.

The lighiting design is simple; the wonderfully eclectic Skandi-style interior design demands an unfussy approach. The boathouse is a great entertaining space so there's plenty of functional lighting for parties as well as gentle relaxing lighting scenes ideal for curling up in front of the woodburner with a good book.

A big thank you to our clients for waking the boathouse from its winter slumbers and making it look so fantastic. I've loved all the photoshoots I've done since I took over photography duties at Brilliant but I think this is my favourite to date.

Melanie lighting the woodburner ahead of a photoshoot at a Lakeland boathouse
Melanie lighting the woodburner ahead of the photoshoot.