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  • Case studies

The surprising pool house by the lake

An oak-framed pool house with warm LED lighting in the early evening.

This lovely pool house is surprising on a number of levels. It's a new-build, thatched, oak-framed, mud-walledpool pool house by a swimming lake.

It's one of our design projects but we've never seen it. We've had plenty of face-to-face contact with our client in detailed design meetings and remote catchups but our client has taken our design and fittings and managed the build, install and commissioning process themselves. It's not how we normally work but here it's worked beautifully. It needed (and got) a really hands-on approach from the homeowner.

A thatched, mud-walled pool house by a swimming lake

We've not even photographed the project, that's another surprise. We got sent a link to a series of great shots taken by our client as the project completed. We think the photos and the project both look fantastic.

We've published the photos as a new case-study. It's in the Related pages section below.