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Winners of best lighting scheme – CEDIA Awards 2015

Brilliant Lighting win "Best Lighting Scheme" in the 2015 CEDIA Awards

We’re proud to have won the CEDIA award for Best Lighting Scheme for our London Georgian Townhouse and Modern Mews project in the CEDIA Awards 2015. The awards celebrate the best in design, technical excellence and execution. They’re judged by a panel of industry experts and residential & technology journalists.

What makes the CEDIA awards different to many award ceremonies is that all elements of the design are under scrutiny. Judges are evaluating entries not purely on the aesthetic but also on the practical. Great design is essential but there’s little point having great design if it can’t be executed. Our award entry included initial design concepts, technical drawings, schematics and detailed electrical wiring schedules as well as photos and videos of the finished result. It’s a tough process so it’s great to pick up the gong at an awards dinner and ceremony at the Natural History Museum hosted by Danny Wallace.

Iain Shaw receiving the 2015 CEDIA award for Best Lighting Scheme from Danny Wallace

Thanks to CEDIA and the sponsors for a great evening and a big thank you to the judges.